• Head Office

    188 Zahran Street

  • + 96262003333


  • 8:00 - 16:00

    Sunday to Thursday

    Motor Claims Department
    8:00 - 14:00


We provide a wide range of marine insurance coverage for marine risks and our professional team will submit coverage at competitive rates and also offer valuable consultancy on the risks management :-


Marine Cargo Insurance

  • Sea by vessels
  • Air by Airfreights
  • Land transportation by Trucks a/or Rails
  • War & strikes
  • War on land


Hull & Machinery Insurance 

  • Yachts & pleasure crafts.
  • Commercial vessels insurance
  • Passengers vessels
  • Fishing vessels
  • Tugs & Barges
  • Towboats
  • Oil & gas tankers
  • Bulk carriers
  • War & strikes


Marine Liabilities Insurance

  • Road Hauler’s liability
  • Forwarder’s liability insurance
  • Stevedores
  • Marine operators
  • Passenger’s & crew liabilities
  • Charter’s liabilities insurance
  • Shipowner’s liability
  • Protection & Indemnity (written in conjunction with hull insurance)


Aviation Insurance

  • Airlines insurance & major risks
  • Aerospace insurance
  • General aviation insurance